For the Universum programe we are responsible for motion graphics and cartographic visualizations of various nature documentarys on the subject of wildlife, nature preservation and more.
For the Universum programe we are responsible for motion graphics and cartographic visualizations of various nature documentarys on the subject of wildlife, nature preservation and more.
The startup company is working on a product for athletes as well as coaches, amateurs and fitness driven people to revolutionize training with an AI assistant.
Production of an interview series – Natascha Größ visited top model Heidi Klum in Paris.
The high-tech company provides software solutions in the aviation industry to optimise flight schedules in real time.
For the TV programme “Terra Mater Wissen” we are responsible for the post-production of various episodes. Broadcast date: Every Wednesday, 9.15 PM on ServusTV.
For the ORF TV duels because of the Austrian National elections 2024 we created some motion graphics where politicians took place at our couch.
Production of an explanatory video for the car referendum, which calls for tax and duty reductions for car drivers.
Official trailer and elements for TV broadcasts and social media channels were created for the women’s soccer league in Austria in 2024.
For the ORF summer talks 2024 we created nostalgic postcard style motion graphics for the politicians’ short presentations.
On behalf of Ocean we produced an image video for the next system company, which offers solutions in the area of drive technology, embedded computer solutions and display & touches.
For the new Visitors’ Centre in the Austrian Parliament we produced a series of explanatory videos about democracy in Austria, e.g. the importance of basic rights, elections and how to participate, the functions of the National Council and the Federal Council.
Motion Graphics
Motion Graphics
Audio mix
Motion Graphics
Audio mix
Motion Graphics
Audio mix
Motion Graphics
Audio mix
AUT of ORDA performed their first live show with only 100 hours to prepare. The artists were accompanied around the camp to be able to give fans an insight during the countdown. The event of the year was broadcast live on television and online and we were responsible for its production.
Official trailer and elements for TV broadcasts and social media channels were created for the women’s soccer league in Austria in 2023.
For the agency crossconnect we implemented an animated product film for the provider of digital signature solutions.
On behalf of Aware, we produced a video for the Jesmond company, showcasing their latest insecticide products and the technology behind them.
Take a look at what we have done in 2022!
For the safety of visitors to the OPEC headquarters in Vienna, this short video was created.
Various packaging elements for TV broadcasts, online videos, etc. were created for the women’s soccer league in Austria in 2022.
Various videos for social media were produced for the advertising agency Since Today. The illustrations came from a Japanese manga artist.
Commercial for a sports betting app.
Explainer for the Austrian Soccer Federation who introduces their new measurements to encourage young talents to become professional players.
We produced a dynamic image video and an extensive explainer for Papimi, a device to help people with different type of health issues.
In this animated explainer the documentary studio “Terra Mater” is sharing their insights to help filmmakers produce their projects environmental friendly.
Pre-roll for a Euro-League soccer game, that shines a light of the history of one club.
Commercial showing the transport connections of one their rentable workspaces in Vienna.
A string quartett is filling the famous halls of the Austrian National Bank in Vienna with classic music. The National Bank holds one of the largest collections of string instruments in the world.
An explainer about the Inter Parliamentary Union of Austria and their duties.
An explainer for the Austrian parliament, about the possibility to comment on a bill before it gets to a vote.
A TV-Commercial for Fan.at,. A website and app which focus around soccer in Austria.
We created several promotion assets up front and covered the whole 90 minute concert, did the editing and post-production.
A TV commercial was produced for the media agency IP Austria.
SMARTIE – Smart Resource Management IoT to support off-Earth manufacturing of lunar infrastructures. SMARTIE is an inclusive feasibility study analysing the requirements for future network infrastructures considering items such as data management and budget to exploit and optimize Moon Factories Management and available resources to assure high-grade self-sustainability.
For the agency “MILESTONES IN COMMUNICATION” we produced an explanatory film for the Federal Ministry of Labor. It is about health at work.
Many different assets were created for the Red Bull Jukebox featuring Austrian artists Pizzera & Jaus. From various teasers, behind the scene material, videos for the LED walls to a 45 minute documentary, the event was presented to the fans. Photocredit: (c) Matthias Heschl / Red Bull Content Pool
Various packaging elements for TV broadcasts, online videos, etc. were created for the women’s soccer league in Austria in 2021.
Explainer for the Austrian Soccer Federation on new teaching materials.
“The Return of the Siberian Tiger“ For the production company Interspot Film in Vienna we created title animations, animated photo sequences and retouching. https://www.rtr.at/medien/presse/pressemitteilungen/presse_fernsehfonds/2021-fernsehfonds_presse/PI06012021_Sibirischer_Tiger.de.html
For the nature documentary YouTube channel Terra Mater, we are responsible for the post-production of various videos on the subject of wildlife, nature preservation and more.
An explainer video on the free trade agreement with Indonesia was created for the Green Liberals in Switzerland.
For a scientific project focusing on flavoids, three films were produced. One of them can be seen here.
An explainer video on on a new web portal for financial services.
Various packaging elements for TV broadcasts, online videos, etc. were created for the women’s soccer league in Austria in 2020.
For the Karafiat agency, we were responsible for the post-production of various films for the customer area of Raiffeisen banks.
We produced some short social media clips for the agency diego5. The clips have been merged into one video in this gallery.
A short film focusing on the new features of the EHF website.
For the agency Since Today we implemented an animated online commercial.
Drum & bass and classical music meet. We produced a documentary for Red Bull, directed by Michael Adlassnig, and individual live music videos about this unique collaboration.
We produced an explainer about drug tests for the online research platform Addendum.
For the credit insurance company Acredia we produced explainers about their services.
A short selection of different videos created for internal communication purposes.
A large number of different explanatory graphics were produced for the online research platform Addendum.
We animated the logo of Batterie-leer.at.
An online commercial for the Semantics Conference.
For an online platform we produced several commercials for TV and Online.
A commercial for Yakults new packaging.
We created a commercial for Lawoon, an online platform for order procurement.
We produced two explanatory videos on the topic of urban sprawl for the youth organisation of the Swiss Green Liberal Party.
For the Austrian TV marketer IP Austria we produced an explainer about their new service.
We did the post production of a documentary about burials for the online research platform Addendum. You can watch the film here: Sarg, Marke Eigenbau
We regularly produce TV spots for the various special magazines of the Austrian daily newspaper Kurier.
Several videos about the advantages of the Business Club were produced for Rapid Vienna. In addition to the long version which can be seen here, there were also several cut downs.
We created the opener for Rapid Vienna’s online video platform.
For the archaeological project AcrossBorders (Across ancient borders and cultures: An Egyptian microcosm in Sudan during the 2nd millennium BC) we produced a short film from existing videos and photos together with animations.
We created an image film about the IP Austria range of services.
hertha produziert was responsible for animations of well-known works of art for this project. Click here for the project!
We created a commercial for an app to place sport bets.
hertha produziert designed the graphic packaging for the Leadersnet TV video clips.
We created an Explainer about the Social Academy course of the Austrian Federal Chamber of Labour.
An explainer about the advantages of Rivalo Omni, a betting provider system.
On the launch of the feature film Fuck Ju Göhte 3, an animated cinema spot was created for the agency Since Today and its client Langnese.
hertha produziert supported the artist DER-CON with the postproduction of his new music video about the political landscape in Austria.
An animated film about their bus fleet was produced for the Vienna Transport Authority. In addition, a model for 3D printing was created, as well as high-resolution still images for printing applications.
The European Business Award is presented each year to outstanding companies in various sectors. We produced the application video for 2017 for the industry leader in online printing in Austria.
For the business club of the football club SK Rapid we produced an image film which presents all services of the business packages. Further information under skrapid.at/business.
hertha produziert was responsible for the post production of the already third video in a row by Heinz aus Wien. Directed by Michael Maly D.o.P.: Benjamin Paya
We produced three different TV commercials for Emosan, a manufacturer of thermal underwear and bandages.
We created a film about the advantages and possibilities of interactive packaging from Constantia Flexible.
Agency: M’Caps
We produced a series of explainers for the ÖGB (Austrian Confederation of Trade Unions) publishing house that explain the rights and duties of employees and works councils.
For the Wiener Linien, hertha produced a short reportage about the first ascent of the new U1 stations up to Oberlaa.
Directed by Michi Maly.D.o.P.: Benny Paya.
For the Viennese agency Since Today we produced 5 different videos about the preparation of mixed drinks with the Red Bull Special Edition.
The Austrian Armed Forces will be strengthened and restructured. In this explainer we explain how and why.
Hertha produced a tv commercial for the FM4 Unlimited 2016 music festival.
For an international research project, a test run was simulated and a documentation was produced. This video is a short version of the original video.
Produced for SK Rapid based on an idea by Stefan Kjaer as a call to become a member of SK Rapid. Concept, script, casting and direction: Stefan Kjaer/ARGE MITGLIED & Daniel Budka/hertha produziert Camera: Benjamin Paya Assistance: Eva Mittermüller
hertha produziert was responsible for the entire postproduction of the new video for Heinz aus Wien with Toni Polster. The song is meant to get all of Austria in the mood for the European Football Championship.
For the agency Havas and their client IMI a cooperate video for a new product was created.
For the agency Since Today, hertha produziert was responsible for editing, retouching and finishing the new TV commercial for Saeco Incanto. The spot, for which Harald Staudach was director and D.o.P, the sound mixing was done by Cosmix and the grading was done by David Hughes at 61, was aired on German television.
For the Marcus Award 2015 of the automobile organization ÖAMTC we created a series of videos for visual support.
Program sponsoring for Race Energydrink.
We created three humorous films about behaving considerately in the Vienna public transport.
hertha produced a TV commercial for the new Yakult drink.
Hertha produced a TV commercial for the children’s toothbrush Mimo.
Hertha produced a TV commercial for the children’s shower gel Bübchen Kids.
hertha produziert was responsible for the entire production of the commercial together with the agency Brandfan. Camera and direction: Harald Staudach
A commercial promoting a competition of Volksbank and Viva.
Together with Herwig Steiner we produced an corporate film about the library of the University of Applied Arts in Vienna.
A music video for the Band ‘Kreisky’. Directed by Herwig Steiner & Daniel Budka